60 minutes $65 | 90 minutes $105
A cross fiber technique, which causes corrective changes in muscle tissue, has been effective in alleviating sports injuries, trauma, occupational stresses, arthritis, fibrosis, backache, neck tension, chronic fatigue syndrome, constipation and circulatory problems. Combined with traditional treatments of these conditions, it offers an added edge that can speed recovery or promote maximum improvement where traditional treatments leave off.
60 minutes $65
The Bellanina Facelift Technique is a highly-relaxing massage-based treatment for the face. It is a natural, non-invasive anti-aging technique that utilizes specialized massage strokes, acuppressure and manual lymph drainage. This technique stimulates blood and oxygen flow to nourish, rejuvenate and tone the muscles and skin of the face. Bellanina Botanical skin care products are used to clean, moisturize and nourish the skin. Bellanina’s signature Honeylift Massage Lotion stimulates the skin with honey and orange essential oils.